
Course Information

Human Antatomy and Physiolgy I (BIOL 2401)

Term: 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall


John F. Johnson
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Dr. Glendora Carter
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Gregory L. Bosworth
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Tue, 3:00 PM - 5:40 PM (8/10/2020 - 11/20/2020) Location: ONLIN ONLIN ONLIN


(Formerly BIOL 2404)
The course covers an emphasis on cells, tissues, skin skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, sense organs, and circulatory system. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 2001. (Cross-listed with KINE 2404) NOTE: Both BIOL 2401 & 2402 can be taken by Biology majors, but only one can be use to satisfy the 36-hour requirement for the major. The second semester will be considered an elective.